01 22 34 500
Covering North East Wicklow, Dun Laoghaire (DL Doc) and East Doc Dublin
About Us
Local GPs in North East Wicklow (NEW Doc), Dun Laoghaire (DL Doc), and South East Dublin (East Doc) have come together with Northdoc Medical Services CLG to provide urgent GP services to their patients.
The service is provided for those patients who have urgent medical problems and who need to contact a doctor after day time surgeries close.
The service operates from 18.00 through 08.00 Monday to Friday and 24 hours Saturday, Sunday and all bank and public holidays. For appointment call 01 22 34 500.
Our Centres

If you need medical advice from 6pm to 8am Monday to Friday or at any time (24 Hours) during weekends
please call 01 22 34 500