Opening Hours and Contact Details
Note: the service covers patients of E Doc local GPs who are participating in the service.
If your GP is not an E Doc member, please call your own GP’s surgery number to find out which Out of Hours Urgent GP service covers you on their behalf when they are closed.
We are open for Urgent GP health care from 1800 hrs to 0800 hrs Monday through Friday and 24 hours on Saturdays and Sundays, all Bank and public holidays. If you need medical advice during these times, please call 01 22 34 500.
We are not open during regular daytime hours—during these hours, please call your own GP for an appointment.
The Service is free to medical card holders; this includes GMS card holders, GP visit cards, and Under 6 years and under 8 years card holders. Cards must be in date and valid at the time of consultation; otherwise, private fees will apply.*
*If you are charged private fees on the day of your GP consultation and call the office within seven days with your GMS (Medical Card) details, and they are in date and valid at the time of consultation, you will be refunded your fees less an administrative fee of €20.00
Private patients:
For E Doc GP Members’ patients, the cost of a centre visit GP consultation is €75.00 (Patient of a non-member GP – €90.00)
For E Doc GP Members’ patients, the cost of a GP telephone consultation is €75.00 (For patients of a non-member GP – €90.00)
Should the doctor, during a telephone consultation, ask you to attend on the same day for an in-person follow-up face-to-face consultation, the €75.00/ €90 charge will cover both your telephone consultation and the in-person consultation.
There are additional charges for additional procedures: suturing, nebulization, dressings, Steristrips, and Tetanus, €35.00 per procedure and or treatment.
The cost of a home visit GP consultation is €110 (Patient of non-member GP €120.00).
Should an additional family member be seen on a home visit the additional charge per person will be €55.00
N.B. We do not do home visits outside our existing area of operation.
Where additional members of the same family are seen at the same visit, each additional family member will be charged €45.00. Family members who are in possession of an in-date and valid medical card will not be charged.
If a patient visits E Doc more than once with the same symptoms within 7 days of their first E Doc visit, the fee for the second visit will be €45.00.
Please note that private fees will be applied to anyone who does not produce a valid medical card at the time of the consultation. No refunds will be given.
If you would like to check if your medical card is valid, please check the card number here for Eligibility Status Check